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About Me

I am a Portrait Photographer based in Melbourne Australia, and a mum of 2 beautiful kids and one furbaby.


I have always had a passion for photography, but after the birth of my first child I decided I wanted to make it my career as well. They say never work with children or animals... well these two subjects are my specialty and I couldn't love my job any more than I do! In 2012 I started my own business 'Peachy Prints Photography'. To be able to say "I love my job" and to capture lasting memories for so many families is an absolute blessing. 


But what is my why? The why that drives me to love photography so much and make sure I deliver the best I can to others always? Well the name Peachy Prints Photography was inspired by my late brother whose nickname was 'Peach'. After he passed from a battle with Brain Cancer, I searched through all the photos we had of him only to realise that I only had 3 photos of the two of us together. In the 20 years we shared that was all I had left and I couldn't make any more. Since that moment I have never stopped taking photos - literally! My children are VERY accustomed to (and sick of) having a camera in their faces. The way I see it, we aren't here for a long time so we need to exist in photos as keepsakes for those we leave behind. I'm very passionate about this & always urge mothers in particular 'to exist' in your family photos. Mums are the ones usually behind the camera taking the family photos, or are too worried about how we look, but the reality is our kids don't care how we look and they love us for who we are and just for being their mum & we should make sure our close bond with our children is documented.


I hope you enjoy looking around my website, and hopefully I'll be privileged enough to photograph you and your beautiful family sometime to capture YOUR moments and create lasting memories you can hold dear for generations.


Happy Snapping!

Contact Me

Hillside VIC 3037

Tel: 0403 596 745

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